繼 2019 年廣仲首次在澳門進行專場演出後
12 月我們不見不散!
?|演出地點:「澳門百老匯™」- 百老匯舞台
?|門票售價:港幣 HKD/澳門幣 MOP $1388 / $988 / $788 / $488
? 公開發售!
時間:10.25(三)中午 12:00
- 詳情請留意主辦方公告。
- 主辦方保留活動異動之權利。
The creative genius Crowd Lu is coming to Macau again ?
A singer full of talent and connotation?
I’m really looking forward to his stage performance?
Crowd Lu 15th Anniversary Inspiring Concert in Macau
?|Show Date:2nd December 2023(SAT)
?|Show Time:7PM
?|Show Venue : Broadway Macau™ – Broadway Theatre
?|Ticket Price:HKD / MOP $1388 / $988 / $788 / $488
?|Organizer:WanXing Entertainment
?|Management :TEAM EAR MUSIC
? Public Sale!
Time: From 12 p.m., 25 th October 2023 (WED)
「Broadway Macau」 - http://t.cn/EZUuX2z
- Please refer to WanXing Entertainment for further notice and information.
- The organizer reserves the right to change the event.
添翼創越工作室 為夢想裝上翅膀